Pin on BananasHemorrhoidsDiabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) Jock Itch Vyvanse vs. StratteraBenzodiazepinesZoloftLow Fiber DietAerobic ExerciseProbiotics Adults skin conditions Common eye problems and infections Sexually transmitted diseasesDiet and Nutrition QuizHeart QuizKidney Disease QuizKidney DiseaseCharacteristics of Alopecia Disease Areata©1996-2020 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. . // / Men's Health: 10 Foods to Improve Male Health Article Men's Food: 10 Male Health Food Men should include in their diets to improve health and prevent disease. Food men should include in their diets to improve health and prevent disease. By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD WebMD Clinic- Column of experts Men are different from women of all kinds, including their nutritional needs. Just as women need special nutrients during or to protect themselves from, men need nutrients that can help them maintain muscle mass, prevent, and more. Many foods that tend to be favorite among men are not the best options for good health. However, a healthy and regular physical activity can help prevent and , murderers No. 1 and No. 2 for men over 35 years of age. They can also improve performance, from the board room to the bedroom. Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, notes that any food that is good for it is also good for erectile function in men. "The nutrients that are good to improve circulation to all parts of the body, and these same nutrients provide a protective layer against and other chronic diseases," says Gerbstadt, a physician and spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. Quality nutrients are also critical to maintain immune function and prevent bone loss, muscle loss, and oxidative damage to the environment, Of course, any (or 10) food cannot do work alone. A general healthy lifestyle, which also includes no and regular physical activity, is what is really important to health, say experts. "It's not a single food or even a handful of food. What's more important is the pattern of regularly eating a rich in a variety of essential nutrients," says Joy Bauer, , RD, author of Joy Bauer's Food Cures and expert at Today Show. However, adding super nutrient-rich foods to the diet, as well as taking a daily multivitamin designed exclusively for men (for nutritional insurance), can give men a boost, says Dave Grotto, RD, spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. With the help of experts, WebMD emerged with this list of 10 disease-fighting foods that can be a good start to improve health: Men's Food No. 1: OystersFood for men No. 1: Oysters Could there be anything for the legend that oysters are the food of love? Well, it's true that only a few oysters each day will provide a full-day supply of zinc antioxidant mineral. Zinc is involved in hundreds of body processes, from DNA production to cell repair. "Research shows that proper zinc can protect against cell damage that lead to," Grotto says. "The prolonged functioning of the male reproductive system, including the increase of sperm counts, is also improved with zinc." You can also get your recommended daily dose of 11 milligrams a day eating other seafood, lean beef, lean pig or legumes. Food for Men No. 2: BananasBananas is a large portable source of fast energy and are rich in potassium, which is necessary to regulate nerves, heartbeat and, especially, . Diets rich in potassium and magnesium (which is also in bananas) can reduce the risk of . As a super source of , bananas can also help your immune system, help you form your nervous system well. So enjoy a banana every day, at breakfast in all your cereals or before your gym training. Isn't he a banana fan? Orange juice, milk, tomato products and beans are other good sources of dietary potassium. Men's Food No. 3: Fatty Fish No list would be complete without healthy fat, . These polyunsaturated are the preferred form of fat in your diet for many reasons. They can benefit the heart, circulation and immune system and reduce the risk of prostate, among other things. "They are powerful anti-inflammatory foods that can help reduce triglyceride levels [blood fat], reduce pains and pains in athletes, and provide relief with certain types of ", says Bauer. Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring) are the richest sources of fatty acids. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends that everyone eat fish twice a week. You can also get omega-3s in vegetable foods, such as nuts, canola oil and fortified products like eggs. But there are other good reasons for eating fish. "Feose fish are also a good source of , a nutrient that tends to be poor in our diets and [that] in the right supply can help prevent cancer, , and bone disease," says Bauer. Men's Food No. 4: BroccoliWhile virtually all vegetables deserve a place on the list of superfood, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli are useful in that of and cancer. It is loaded with , beta-carotene, potassium and phytochemical called sulfafane, which has strong anticancer properties (prostatic and colon). A recent Harvard study found that participants who had five portions a week of cruciferous vegetables were half as likely as others to develop, a cancer that affects two or three times more men as women. This supernutritious green vegetables can also help reduce homocytin levels, an amino acid associated with higher risk of and. Don't you care about broccoli? Go to other crucifery options such as cabbage, bok choy, broccoli claw crushed, cabbage, cauliflower or Brussels shoots. And have you ever wondered where the term "cruciferous" originates? "It's not because they're crunchy vegetables, but when the buds of this group of vegetables spring, their leaves form a cross as a crucifix," explains Mary Lee Chin, a Denver dietitian, RD.Food for Men No. 5: Brazil Nuts These large nuts in Brazil are full of magnesium and selenium, powerful antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease and cancer and protect the health of the prostate. (Bauer, however, notes that studies showing cancer reduction have been mainly in people whose diets were deficient in selenium, not those who were already getting enough). Selenium also helps lower LDL or "bad" and reduces incidence and heart disease. Grotto recommends that adults get 55 micrograms of selenium daily from Brazilian nuts, dried nuts, turkey, tuna or seafood. In fact, you can get your daily dose of selenium in just one Brazil nut. In fact, Bauer warns to limit himself to no more than two Brazilian nuts a day because "they are so loaded and concentrated with selenium that you don't want overdose. "Men food No. 6: Plenary Most men get enough carbohydrates in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong type, say experts. "A diet rich in whole grains provides, , - all the cofactors for heart health, muscle building and keeping small waist," says Gerbstadt. Suggest to try whole grain pasta or quinoa, a fashion grain, not so-total-grain-tasting that is rich in lutein for prostate health. The oats and barley are rich in soluble fiber, full of B that can help lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol, and are also good for the prostate. Suzanne Farrell, RD, recommends obtaining 10-25 grams of soluble fiber a day from oats or other soluble fiber sources such as apples, pears and beans. When buying grain products, look for those whose labels say they have at least 3-5 g of fiber per serving. To avoid digestive problems, increase fiber intake gradually, and do not forget to drink a lot of water. Food for Men No. 7: Plant stans Stanols are natural substances that occur in fruits and vegetables that have been shown to lower the blood slightly elevated. Manufacturers are now adding concentrated versions of them to products such as margarine, yogurt, orange juice, and granola bars. "Men should regularly include a total of 2 grams of vegetable statanols, taken in two doses with meals, to help inhibit cholesterol absorption in the intestine," says Farrell. Suggest to have 2-3 teaspoons of plant staples like Benecol, or 16 ounces of fortified orange juice with staple a day. Vegetable statanols can be safely used with cholesterol reduction. Men's Food No 8: SoybeansI am rich in isoflavones, which protect the health of the prostate and have been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, says Gerbstadt. And "according to a recent study, eating 25 grams or about 1 ounce of soy protein a day can help lower cholesterol," says Farrell. The FDA has approved a health claim for food labels that claim to have 25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a low diet in saturated fat and cholesterol, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Try to eat some portions a day of soy products, such as soy nuts, soy milk, soy cheese, vegetarian burgers, tofu or edamame. Men's Food No. 9: Berries or Cherries The violet, blue and red colors in all types of berries and cherries are responsible for the healthy properties of these fruits. These small jewels are chock-full of health-protective flavonoid, anthocyanin. "Berries contain more than 4,000 different compounds that have antioxidant properties beyond vitamin C, so make sure you include these delicious and low calories fruits to help fulfill your 5+ portions of fruits every day," says Gerbstadt. The addition of berries to the diet can even help slow down the brain function that can occur with ."Large studies show the most products that eat best, but specifically berries (blacks, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries) can improve brain function and keep your brain healthy," says Bauer. Men's Food No 10: Red Vegetables Vitamin C and beta-carotene are antioxidants that help preserve healthy skin cells and prevent sun oxidation. "Vitamin C is involved in collagen production," says Bauer. "Betacarotene becomes the active form of , which helps repair epithelial or skin cells." She recommends obtaining these nutrients from the bell's red peppers (only one has 300% of the daily value recommended for vitamin C), carrots, pumpkin or sweet potatoes. But for this, almost any vegetable should be on the list of the highest foods for men (and women). Dark greens, lush greens and any nutrient-rich vegetable can help reduce the risk of expanded prostates, according to a recent study at The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Men whose diets are high in nutrients found in vegetables - such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and potassium - found less likely to develop (), or .Published on June 8, 2007. David Grotto, RD, spokesman, American Dietetic Association. Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, spokesperson, American Dietetic Association. Joy Bauer, , RD, author, Joy Bauer's Food Cures; Today Shows a nutrition expert. Mary Lee Chin, MS, RD; dietitian. Suzanne Farrell, MS, RD, owner, Cherry Creek Nutrition; spokesman, American Dietetic Association. Rohrmann, S., The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2007; vol 85: pp 523-529. Journal of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, February 2007. QUESTION Health Solutions Our Sponsors©1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. . Categories of Health Popular Health CentersMedicineNet
Eating bananas Every day and good health for men ON THE AUTHOR April Fox Remember the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? There's definitely something true about it; eating fruit every day is a first step to stay healthy. When it comes to men's health, a banana a day may not keep the doctor away, but will certainly help improve their overall well-being. Heart health According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of adult death in the United States. You owe it to your family and yourself to take good care of your heart, and bananas can help with that. They are full of potassium that helps keep the heart beat normal. Bananas also contain fiber, which has been shown to help prevent heart disease. Potassium in bananas and their low sodium content help keep blood pressure low too. Fiber filling Fiber is not only good for your heart; it also helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Whether you know the golf boys or go to a big business meeting, you don't want digestion to be slow. Eating a fiber-rich diet helps keep bowel movements regular, and a banana daily provides 12 percent of the fiber you need. Fiber also helps you to feel full more time after eating, reducing the chances of getting overcharged and making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Mood and Stress Bananas contain an amino acid called tripptophan, which becomes serotonin in your body. Serotonin helps keep your moods high and positive, so a banana can help fight depression every day. When you're stressed, your body quickly exhausts its potassium supply. From 1 banana contains about 400 mg potassium, eating one a day can help you stay healthy during stressful times. Super B Vitamins Bananas are rich in B-6 and B-12 vitamins, which help keep your immune system strong and healthy. Vitamins B also help keep your nervous system in good order of work. A banana a day can even help you quit smoking; B-6 and B-12 vitamins work together with potassium and magnesium in bananas to help you overcome the removal of nicotine more quickly. Versatile flags It's a breeze to peel and eat a banana. They're easy to pack, and you don't have to worry about juice or crumbs, so they're an ideal snack to eat in the march. If you get tired of eating a banana every day, try something different. Place it and put it in your cereal, oats, yogurt or even ice cream. Mash some bananas and add them to breads and biscuits. Bananas add flavor, nutrients and texture to the smoothies you make at home. With all the ways you can eat a banana, and all the health benefits, it's simple and smart to have one a day. People are reorganizing Is it healthy to eat a lot of bananas? How to make bananas longer Are bananas a source of fiber? How to make baked banana chips Can you eat bananas if you want to lose weight? What are the elements in bananas? Get the latest tips on diet, exercise, and healthy life. Copyright © 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. The use of this website constitutes the acceptance of the LIVESTRONG. COM , and . The material that appears in LIVESTRONG. COM is only for educational use. It shouldn't be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. The LIVESTRONG and LIVESTRONG Foundation. COM does not back any of the products or services that are advertised on the website. In addition, we do not select each advertiser or ad that appears on the website-many of the ads are served by third-party advertising companies.

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